Exploring the World on the Back of a T-Rex!

The title of this post pretty much says it all. According to Steam I’ve put in 53 hours into PixARK so far, and it really feels like I haven’t scratched the surface.

Progression was really slow at first. We were surviving (well, mostly) with spears and wood logs. We were running from just about every monster imagineable. Then we started taming some dinos. It started slow with Ptero, which basically allowed us to mow down bunny rabbits. Then it grew to bigger game.

Using our strategy of carrying a player in the Ptero’s claws, we advanced to taming Argentavis. Those bigger birds basically allowed us to protect ourselves against most predators who might wander into our area, but most important to hunt things like Gem Spiders and other monsters in that tier. From there, it was only a few days until we were in the big game.
