Keen’s Shaman Impressions

As promised, here is a look at the class that I have played the most during the Warhammer Online Beta. I'm going to give you guys my thoughts and impressions…


WAR Beta Movies and Screenshots

I’ve taken 18 videos and about 70 screenshots for you guys to take a look at. I’m still in the process of uploading them to youtube, which takes forever on some of the bigger ones, so check back often to see if I have added more. I will also be adding more videos and screenshots as beta continues.

Be sure to read my WAR Beta Impressions Part 1 as well!


Click ‘more’ for the rest of the screenshots and videos! (56k warning… if anyone out there still uses 56k..)



Warhammer Online on X-Play

Paul Barnett and Jeff "The" Hickman were on G4's X-Play today showing off Warhammer Online. Nothing new was mentioned but the gameplay footage looked very polished. Here's the clip: Classic…