Keen’s Favorite Games of 2009

I was teased by Graev a lot this year with lines like “Keen, you’ve only played like 5 games this year!”.  I didn’t think it was really true until I sat down to write this post… I’ve played, and by played I mean more than just poked at it, only a few games.  Out of those games, I can think of only a couple that I would consider truly a “favorite” of the year.  A post going up in a few days will address my gaming regrets this year and I can tell you now it will have more “I wish I played this” than “I wish I hadn’t played this”.  I have some New Years resolutions that will hopefully remedy this year’s problem.  More on those later.

Let’s get to the games!  My favorite games of 2009:

What a fun little game!  Torchlight is one of those games that you can play for an hour one week, not touch it for a month, and then come back to and play an hour and have just as much fun.  While it’s not quite Diablo, it’s a bundle of dungeon-crawling hack’n slash crammed into a $20 price tag.  ($4.99 or something crazy like that today on Steam btw.)  I enjoy the graphics and the atmosphere of each dungeon.   I like the feel of each class but wish there were more to choose from.  I keep waiting for them to announce an expansion or a part two because I want the game to expand out beyond just the one town.

Of course this one is on my list.  The highly controversial Modern Warfare 2 is probably my overall favorite game of 2009.  I absolutely loved the single player experience.  That’s what I think of it:  an experience rather than a game.  The game felt like I was being carried through an experience and the story, although rather convoluted at times, was unfolding around me.   I can’t wait for the next game in the series.

The Multiplayer is where most people take issue.  No dedicated servers is inexcusable.  The IWnet matching system works but it is inferior in every way to a dedicated server model.  Cheating is at times rampant.  The maps are a mixed bag of decent and terrible.  Yet, amidst these horrendous problems, I really enjoy playing.  I love the weapons and there’s just something tremendously fun about how it plays.  It’s so dang polished.   MW2 is definitely on another level.  It’s a step above all the other “modern” shooters we currently have out there.  Hopefully we’ll either see a crack for dedicated servers or IW will get some sense knocked into them.

I enjoy how my friends and I have been able to play together.  This year hasn’t been a good one for community building games and I was worried that we would fall away from each other with nothing to play.  MW2 came to the rescue and actually introduced me to a few new people that I can now consider my friends.

Continue reading ‘more’ for the rest of my favorite games of 2009. (more…)


Graev’s Favorite Games of 2009

There was a lot to choose from this year.  I’ve played a lot of games and it was tough to narrow it down to a list of ‘favorites’, especially to only a couple as Keen and I planned.  After much deliberation, I managed to narrow it down to my top five favorite games.  Here they are:

Another great Bioware game. It was supposed to be a spiritual successor the the Baldur’s Gate series, the kind of game they used to make, and it king of lived up to that. While it had a lot of depth, it didn’t have the depth of Baldur’s Gate 2. I played the probably “inferior” Xbox360 version and the visuals were not that great as a result. It lacked the overhead camera view you could toggle in the PC mode. It was still a great game and I had a lot of fun with it, even to the point of playing it three times through and achieving all but the last 2 achievements because they bugged out for me. There is a lot of replayability in Dragon Age: Origins.

I remember the first time I saw this game was during this last E3. I saw a video of it and I was absolutely floored. The concept looked interesting and I knew right away it was a game I would enjoy. This is one of the few games that I felt a lot of excitement over and then actually had that excitement delivered at release. It was sometimes a hard and frustrating experience and it’s a game that you have to go into knowing that you’re going to get beat down a lot, but that’s what makes succeeding at it so much better. It had a really interesting multiplayer experience built into the singleplayer game. You can leave hints behind on the ground to help other people in their games by pointing to treasure or telling them to avoid a trap or you can even be malicious and leave a note that leads them to their doom.

If you die in Demon’s Soul form you can go into another player’s world and help him defeat a demon. If you help him defeat that demon you can get resurrected again. It even had a unique experience where you can actually get summoned to be the boss during a boss fight against another player.   Incredibly unique game.  I hope other games take a similar path and that this one gets a sequel.

Continue reading ‘more’ for the rest of my Favorite Games of 2009. (more…)


Keen in Torchlight

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Graev in Torchlight

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