LOTRO will now offer name changes and server transfers…

It was announced today that Turbine will be allowing the transfering of characters from one server to another for a small fee.  It is also been announced that if you don’t like your character’s name or your guild’s name that it can also be renamed for an extremely small fee.  As always I look at things like this and question why.  The server transfers I can totally understand and hey, I support this 100%.  The changing of names, while right now being labeled as a way to “change your name if you don’t like it”, is vulnerable to some serious abuse.

I would be interested in knowing what measures are being put into place to stop people from changing their names after gaining a horrid repution.  Let’s say you just stole the loot from your BG group’s chest (obtaining perhaps the best Halberd in the game “captains arm”) and need a place to hide.  Well now you can for the every day low price of $9.95!  Heck, if I were the type that would do anything to get ahead I would pay $10 for the best Halberd in the entire game.

If Turbine puts a system in place to run a check on why people want their names changed then this won’t be an issue.  All it takes are a few petitions once someone steals loot and the common sense for the GM’s to keep a record and they will have the reasoning needed for a name change refusal.  Let’s hope they think ahead.

Read more for the full announcement.



Peter Moore resigns from Microsoft…

…and takes a job at EA as the president of EA Sports. This came to me as a complete shock. It wasn’t more than a week ago that Moore was at E3 giving his extremely enthusiastic presentation and rocking out with Harmonix. He did look a bit tired though.

Given his experience (something like 20+ years?) and his natural maverick style I am betting that we will see some pretty interesting things coming from EA Sports over the next few months. As for why – we don’t really know yet. The reasons he gave for resigning, and before the announcement by EA, Moore said that he had decided to move his family back to the Bay Area (EA headquarters is there, duh!). To me this seems like a step down for Moore. As for who is replacing him at Microsoft? Don Mattrick, a formal president of EA, has taken the job.

Read More to view the entire EA press release.


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My overall impressions of E3

This year's E3 has been like no other. The downsizing and shift of focus from showy booths to streamlined information has taken this expo to a whole new level. There…

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E3: The beginning of E3 and Microsoft’s Presentation

It’s the start of E3 and gamers around the world are all anxiously awaiting the announcements and presentations of our favorite publishers and developers. E3 this year has been downsized. What was once a large showroom of booths and bling is now a “let’s get right to it” down-to-earth way for companies to announce their product.

Since we were not lucky enough to land any form of invitation to E3, Graev and I will be bringing our coverage to our readers based on what we see on TV, live feeds, and read from various news sources. We hope that our opinions and insight into this year’s largest entertainment expo will be interesting and helpful to all of you out there.

So let’s get to it! Last night Microsoft gave the first major presentation. With our computers tuned in to 4 different live feeds and our TV on G4 we made sure to catch every moment of what was sure to be a fantastic hour. The presentation began with Peter Moore, the lovable vp over at Microsoft, giving us the usual commentary on what a wonderful year it’s been for Xbox360 and Microsoft. The most interesting line of possibly the entire briefing was when he said every title they would talk about is coming out this year (2007). So right off the bat Microsoft makes it clear they are going all out to make 2007 their year.

Read on for our full coverage of Microsoft’s Presentation!
