Survival Games Need Survival

I'm really looking forward to SOE's upcoming zombie survival game called H1Z1. With MMOs completely failing to live up to what I want in a persistent world that I can…


You know what isn’t great?

I decided to make a post similar to my cross-buy topic except this time I'm just complaining about stuff... so probably not so different from that post. Obvious stuff like…


Landmark’s Massive Discount

Okay, so this happened. Some people are miffed. Some people are laughing. Some people wonder what the early adopters think. Hey there, I'm Keen -- I'm an early adopter of EverQuest…


Divinity: Original Sin


Divinity: Original Sin is a fantastic RPG experience that rises above the sea of mediocrity that the genre has become. I just thought I’d get that out of the way.


In D: OS you play as a source hunter; two, actually, but I’ll get to that later. Source Hunters are tasked with hunting down Sorcerers and other foul magical things, but for your mission you are sent to the town of Cyseal in order to investigate a murder. A councilman has been killed and the scene of the crime was hinky enough for the local wizard to request the aid of Source Hunters. However things aren’t quite as simple as they seem and soon you find yourself wrapped up in something much larger than you realize. Sound fun? Read on for our full review.  (more…)


Shovel Knight

Shovel Knight is probably among the best purchases I've made this year and is easily one of the more memorable experiences. It's pretty sad when a $15 download title is…