Rift Impressions

I've been playing Rift since this past summer and now that the NDA on the beta is down I would like to share my thoughts on the game.  I'm not…


Adventures in a whole new world (of warcraft) Part 1

Sorry for the lack of updates guys!  It’s finals week and I’m busy studying on top of playing Cataclysm.  Since my priorities are straight, that means blogging gets the least amount of time.  It’s Saturday though and I wanted to give you guys our joint impressions on the zones that we have done in Cataclysm so far.  Don’t worry, there won’t be any spoilers until after the ‘read more’ option at the end.

Azshara – Fantastic quests.  They start you off slow and ease you in with a bit of an introduction and you quickly bounce hub to hub completing quests quickly and racking in amazing experience all the way to 21.  We enjoyed the new goblin city there, but wish it was a real capital city instead of just an implied one.  There isn’t an auction house or bank which makes it tough to want to put your bind point there.

Ashenvale – Terrible.  Some new stuff, but overall it’s the same thing.  There’s something about the zone that makes us physically sick.  We did a few quest chains and a hub or two but once we reached level 25 (with the help of a dungeon, see below) we moved on.  There are only a few zones in the game like Ashenvale  that didn’t improve -enough-.  Do dungeons or grind and skip this one.

Shadowfang Keep – Great dungeon!  The bosses were pretty hard and the new mobs made it a bit refreshing.  We wiped four times on the final boss which is actually a great change from the constant steamrolling that these low level dungeons used to be.  Do yourself a favor and make sure you do this one while it’s still yellow.  Decent loot too!

Stonetalon Mountains – AMAZING zone!  It used to be awful and not even worth the space it took up but now it’s without a doubt one of our favorite zones.  The theme to the zone is military as the orcs try and reconquer the territory for the Horde.  There is a massive amount of story woven into the zone and you’re lead nicely around the entire zone if you enter from the top (Ashenvale entrance).  There are great references to other games, fun and zany quests, some very serious quests (See after ‘read more’) and they do it all in ~40 quests.  That is, they give you 5 levels in ~40 quests which is something we can appreciate.

Desolace – We’re currently not even halfway through the zone but so far it feels just a tad tedious.  The naga quests were a bit overkill in their gathering requirements and some of the Satyr quests have been tedious too.  Hopefully things pick up now that we’re headed to the newer looking part of the zone.  We’ll let you guys know what we think after we’re done!

Read more for a deeper look at Stonetalon (Spoilers ahead).
