Weekend Conglomoblog

Rumor: Google Buying Twitch? Apparently Google might be buying Twitch for $1 billion.  Strange valuation in my opinion.  I think that's 1/19th the valuation of Whatsapp (Facebook's recent acquisition), but it's already…


What makes a good founder’s program?

The ‘buy your way into beta’ or ‘crowd-funding’ or ‘founders programs’ out there are quickly becoming a norm. For the sake of this post let’s call all of them founders programs.   I have purchased several of them.  Personally, I do not think they are necessarily a bad concept when handled properly.

These founders programs can get expensive.  I’ve paid $10, $20, $40, $50, $100 for them.  I’ve even supported some games as a founder that I think are still three years away, and I supported them over a year ago!  How much is too much?  Realistically, I have yet to see a founders program show me a true return on the investment.  I give the money in exchange for access, which I suppose has a qualitative value.  I give the money to support a team or IP (which I suppose also has an odd sort of value to it).  I give in exchange for trinkets, tchochkes, baubles, etc., that I use for probably 5 minutes in-game then replace or put in my bank because I feel too guilty to delete them.

What games should, realistically, have founders programs?  The business side can argue any of them when players are willing to pay money today for a game tomorrow.  It’s finance 101.  But should they?  The consumer advocate in me wants to say that sometimes it’s not always a good idea to take money from people so quickly.

Let’s look at an example of a good founder’s program.  This has nothing to do with the game itself being good, bad, or the final product being worth the money. I simply like how they handled their program. (more…)


Streaming vs. Blogging

I’ve been talking with Graev and our K&G Community for a long time about the rise of video game streams.  A couple of them were harassing me last night because I do tend to rant and “QQ” when it comes to this new found medium for gaming commentary and entertainment.  It’s big.  There’s no doubt about it.  Seriously, people are making a living doing it, all the consoles are building it right into their feature list, and game developers are starting to pay (too) much attention to those who stream their games.  Let’s break this down.

Streaming vs. Blogging

Yeah, it was inevitable.  Podcasts, Blogs, Youtube videos, etc., all had their big day.  Streaming is in the spotlight now and it will be for a long time.  About a year ago was when the start of the decline began.  We certainly haven’t let up around here, and never will, but we’re feeling the burn.  Streaming provides that TV level of visual stimulation.  I won’t lie — even I prefer watching streams over reading blogs!

I feel like blogs and written commentary typically provide a higher level of quality commentary.  Streams are entertaining, and blogs are more analytical / academic / theoretical / philosophical/etc. It’s watching a tv vs. reading a magazine or a book.

Streaming is becoming a money maker.  In all the time we have ever blogged we’ve never once turned a profit.  We run ads here and receive donations to help us cover costs, but we still lose.   I can’t even fathom how or why I would want to do this for a living — it’s simply not the feel we’re going for here.  Streaming on the other hand feels, as a whole, more like a capitalistic endeavor.  That’s really not a bad thing, but it sets a tone. (more…)