So bored

Graev is going to kill me for posting a cat picture.ARGH! I hate being bored. It gives me nothing to blog about. I have been refreshing the same 20 websites over and over again trying to find anything new or interesting but there is nothing there. I have exhausted my gaming library during the “Great Slump of 07” and now that it has carried over deep into 08 I’ve had no other choice but to play DotA. If you don’t know, DotA is a custom map for Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne. It’s a battle of Sentinel vs. Scourge where waves of creeps from both sides head toward the opposite team’s base and attack anything on the way. The goal is to push your creep waves into the enemies base with your team and destroy their main building. I guess it’s so popular that they have entire gaming leagues set up and it’s been turned into an official e-sport at some event. *rolls eyes*

DotA is a great example of what NOT to do when making a highly competitive game. There is a heinous lack of balance and the game revolves completely around gear! I don’t know why I come back and play the game whenever I’m in a slump. I guess it’s the draw of a deep pickup and play game. I’m also not sure why I even care about the game so much. I want to win when I play but I always get on a team with a bunch of noobs or the self proclaimed DotA pros who think they are god’s gift to the world. I’m not an expert at the game but I’m not a noob either. This afternoon one of my allies runs into the entire enemy team by himself. I run the opposite way because 5v2 is suicide. He tells me I cost them the game and that I’m a noob because I didn’t back him up. So I promptly told him what I think of him… in a not so nice way.. and began purchasing items for the enemy team. That’ll teach him.

There’s always the hope of Age of Conan to get me through, although the hope can only carry me so far. Another month until release… I can make it. Really I can. Just keep telling myself I can make it…. The PvP weekend is coming up and I really, really, reaaaally hope that I get in. I’m not sure if I can wait another month without something to do.

When bored write a blog post about being bored. Yep.

PS. @ Graev – Please don’t kill me for posting a cat picture.

  • Is Graev a cat hater?

    I’m right with ya there on the bored part. My interest keeps slipping from WoW day by day. I’m trying out The Witcher, but it’s still not filling the void. (But it looks sweet)


  • I change my name almost daily whenever I think up a new funny name. 😛 I haven’t kept a serious name in a long long time.. heck years actually.

  • Don’t take this the wrong way Keen, but it sounds like you are playing noob DoTA. Any public game is basically a noobfest, and DoTA is not balanced around pub games. Get into the TDA channel and give those games a shot, much different game.
    Keep in mind the ban stick hits hard in TDA, so something like feeding the other team won’t fly.

  • I guess that’s my problem. 😉 I don’t play it to take it seriously. I play it to have pickup and play fun without making it feel like I’m competing in a clan or league

  • Well in that case why expect others to take it serious? TDA players go “pub stomp” to take a break, and no one expects much out of a pub game, yet you get mad about balance and other players actions. Sounds contridictory to me.

  • Maybe you’re missing my point. I’m saying that I play to have fun and do my best to win. I try, in every dota game, to win and do my best for my team. I’m not going to change the way I play to accommodate the stereotypical “pub” behavior. I’m not asking for professionalism nor do I really feel that I am expecting too much from a “pub”. And ALL of that has nothing to do with the poor balance. It is what it is and regardless of pub or pro it’s an unbalanced game. That’s a fact.

  • actually no, DoTA is about as balanced as you can get. The problem is a few heroes are OP in pub games due to EM mode and easy feeding. Razor and Viper being the two easiest.

    The balance issues that exist in pub games don’t inTDA or scrim games.

    And its not like TDA is super serious, it just solves most of the drop and feeding issues in pub games.

  • “DotA is a great example of what NOT to do when making a highly competitive game. There is a heinous lack of balance and the game revolves completely around gear!”

    DotA is incredibly well balanced… everyone starts with no items, a little bit of gold, and can theoretically play any hero… any gains you make are entirely on the basis of your own skill. How exactly is DotA not balanced?

    “I’m saying that I play to have fun and do my best to win. I try, in every dota game, to win and do my best for my team. I’m not going to change the way I play to accommodate the stereotypical “pub” behavior.”

    The first and second sentence contradict the third sentence. If you’re playing to do your best to win, why wouldn’t you change the way you play so that you can actually do your best to win?