1 Year Anniversary

1st anniversaryKeen and Graev’s Gaming Blog is 1 year old today! It was this time last year that we decided to create a blog where we could share our perspective on games and the industry with others. At first the idea of having a blog seemed small and forever doomed to remain stuck in the wake of already established juggernauts. With perseverance and a little insanity we have successfully achieved our goal of complete internet dominance having our voices heard by thousands.

What do we have planned? Now is as good a time as any to plug our current and upcoming exploits.

K&G’s Podcast: We’ve slacked hard on our podcast so far in 2008. We haven’t really felt the urge to regurgitate what we say on our blog into audio format. Combine that with a true lack anything “going on” worth justifying the urge and you have our excuse. We plan to pickup where we left off but this time in a new format. Our previous episodes were over 45 minutes in length and that’s just too long for us and our audience. The new format will be smaller podcasts focusing on one or at most two topics per episode. We like podcasting because it allows us both to convey our thoughts – which is easier than trying to type out what we both want to say in one blog entry.

Warhammer Online Podcast and Comic *Coming Soon*: In combination with K&G’s Podcast, we’re going to start a new mini-cast focused solely on Warhammer Online. We plan to cover all major news, commentary, our in-game adventures, and anything else WAR related. This podcast will release episodes much more frequently than K&G’s Podcast. You can expect this sometime closer to WAR’s release.

K&G’s Youtube Channel: We love videos and we feel our readers do too. In order to accommodate a massive amount of videos we decided to open a Youtube channel. This allows us to collect videos and even host some we’ve created on our own. Currently our Warhammer Online section has over 42 videos and dozens of them show actual in-game footage. Check it out!

We appreciate our readers – all of you. We hope that you’ll join us for another amazing year as we continue to grow. If you feel the urge to comment on our blog to disagree, profess your undying love or to declare war on us, we want to hear from you. The greatest gaming discourses here on our blog have sparked from the quality discussions held by our readers. We’re looking forward to a very promising 2nd year full of quality gaming and fantastic blogging.

Two Brothers, One Blog.
Keen and Graev bring you their latest PC/Console views, Online Adventures, and more from a unique and refreshing perspective.

-Keen and Graev

  • You guys are proof that anyone can create an interesting blog. Anyone. Seriously, though, congrats. It’s a consistently good read.

  • Definitely looking forward to the WAR podcast! Thanks for checking out my blog and for the comments. 2008 is gonna be a great year for MMOs!