Fable 2 videos

I’ve had an extremely busy past four days.  As a result I have nothing big for you today because this is honestly the first time all day that I’ve had to sit down at the computer and do anything other than work.  Graev pointed out a really neat series of Fable 2 videos coming out of GDC.  The original Fable wasn’t what it was hyped up to be, but still managed to be a good game.  Fable 2 looks amazing.  Hopefully it lives up to its own hype.  I’ve embedded the first video.  Follow the links to the rest.  (The 3rd video is awesome!)

Video 1 / Video 2 / Video 3


  • Yeah… that scares me slightly. They did a lot of that “it’s going to be cool but we can’t talk about it” in the first one.