Keen and Graev’s Podcast Episode 6

We’re back from a very long break between podcasts!  It’s been a busy few weeks for Graev and I so getting together to record a podcast has just been too difficult.  Combine that with a real lack of anything worth rambling about and you have our excuse for missing an episode.    As always our podcast is available streaming right here on our website just below the big podcast banner.  We hope you enjoy this week’s Podcast!

Episode 6 Podcast Notes


What are we playing?

Industry News and Announcements

Mario Galaxy hits shelves around the 13th and it’s already getting rave reviews.
Assassin’s Creed on the 13th.
Mass Effect releases on the 20th.

Warhammer Online pushed back to Quarter 2 2008. Our thoughts.
NCSoft obtains City of Heroes/Villains.

Discussion Topics:
Eye of Judgement – We give you our impressions and delve deep into the latest PS3 hype.
Dumbing Down MMOs – Will the WoW Formula be our future?
Getting back in to older MMOs – A look at integrating with an older community.  The New York City analogy.

  • I haven’t read either review, because I’ve already made up my mind to buy the game and I don’t want to spoil any more for myself, but here’s a couple for Assassin’s Creed. Both give the game perfect scores. By itself, that’s surprising. It’s even more surprising that (Mario Galaxy) got a perfect score in the same week.

    If the reviewers are letting their excitement about this fall bleed into their reviews, I don’t blame them. The next 6 months, and the next month in particular, is the best gaming season I can remember in a long time. And it came just in the nick of time, too, ’cause last year sucked.

  • I played Morrowind and Oblivion, and I liked Oblivion much more.

    You think it’s “easier” because of your playstyle, Graev. My playstyle doesn’t involve a thirst for intellectual challenges. I’m a smart guy, pretty good at puzzles, but I’m more into action and exploration (though there are exceptions, like Text Twist or Puzzle Quest). I think Oblivion was made more for folks like me who wanted a more action-oriented experience. In fact, when they were doing interviews before the game, they talked about how they wanted to improve the combat system from Morrowind.

    Oblivion has the best bow-and-arrow and sneaking gameplay to date (upping the ante from another Bethesda game, Thief 2). It has a ton of room for exploration, including through skills like Acrobatics. Instant travel is only between cities; everything else (most of the gameworld) must be travelled to on foot first. And the main quest might be more streamlined, but I was able to play for around 6 months before ever tackling the main questline… that’s how much peripheral content there is, and I still have located every place on the map (it adds icons to teleport to as you find them). The gameworld might not be as big as Morrowind, but it’s plenty big enough for me. There are some things that bug me about the game, but it’s still the centerpiece of my 360 game collection.

    Anyway, what I’m trying to say is that Bethesda didn’t water down the Elder Scrolls from Morrowind to Oblivion. The game’s core audience seems to still be hardcore gamers who can handle high learning curves. They just made some changes to the core experience, and that understandably irks people who relished the old Elder Scrolls experience.

    I’m with you in doubts about Elder Scrolls Online (if that is the MMO Zenimax/Bethesda is making). Be it Bethesda or Bioware, nobody’s going to surprise me if they put out an all-too-familiar, shallow grindfest. But all Bethesda’s past games tell us is that they’re open to changing core aspects of the series, not that they’re jumping on the casual gaming bandwagon.

  • There’s a direct link to download the MP3 in a .rar here.

    If that doesn’t work out for you I can help you with another link later. 🙂

  • I’m digging the ghost and spring upgrades too… and if anyone after playing that game says the Wii can’t do some pretty cool things visually with modest horsepower, they’re crazy.

    With the right art direction, anything’s possible. 🙂

    Cheers, Keen and have a good weekend.