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In Development: Wild West Online

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Wild West Online is... exactly that. It's a Wild West "MMORPG"

From the official website:

WILD WEST ONLINE is a emergent systems-driven, open world, Wild West-themed action MMO built from the ground up for PC and featuring world exploration, resource gathering, PvP combat, PvE missions and much, much more.​

Now, I don't know wtf "emergent systems-driven" means, and I don't know if their definition of MMORPG is "big minecraft server" or traditional (real) EQ/WoW style.

Below is an official video from the devs. It introduces a few things and sheds some light on the systems.

Some tidbits from videos I've watched that raise more questions and illuminate other features:

  • Can buy property (or loot it)
  • Newspapers around the towns give info on actual world development
  • Reputation system to manage being an outlaw
  • Open pvp environment but there are "community based servers focused on role-playing instead of PvP"... whatever that means 
  • Frontier'ish Arizona and Montana-like areas
  • Can find nuggets of gold
  • Clothing stores to look the part and typical saloon and western shops/atmosphere (whiskey heals you, of course)
  • The devs want the game to be fairly free-form with players determining a lot of the direction

All of the big media outlets were given a chance to walk through the game. I've attached various videos that I found for you to review.

If nothing else, I'm intrigued by the 'Red Dead Redemption' brought into a more online and likely quasi-MMO style. We'll see how things shake out.


A concern was raised in the comments that this game is being developed, produced, and/or funded by a known "scammer" who abandons projects once he receives funds. After being informed that this may be the case, I did some simple Google searching to verify. I was not able to identify any rock solid proof, but there are conspiracy theories and even some pretty legitimate links with this project to the developer in question. Please be aware of the concern.

  • hi guys
    this “project” is from a known scammer
    (Sergey Titov, infamous of War Z)
    pls spend 5 mins googling it and maybe do not promote his latest scam any more

    saying all the above as a loving and caring reader!

    • Hi GainsGoblin,

      When I started seeing the game popping up on places like PC Gamer, IGN, Polygon, etc., etc., I did a Google earch for “Wild West Online” and it yielded a lot of people showcasing gameplay and talking about what *MIGHT* be in the game.

      I think I portrayed a healthy level of skepticism in my post above noting that they use terminology that isn’t well-defined, and there are questions raised about what features will ultimately shake out to be.

      As far as Sergey Titov and a War Z scam, I do not have that information. I will in the next few minutes do some research and report back. Even it turns out to be true, then I’m glad I posted about it, and I’m glad you commented! Maybe that will save us and more of our readers some trouble.

    • I have updated the post to include a warning. Looks like there are tons of conspiracy theories, and a few legitimate links to Titov. Thank you again for the heads up!

  • If whiskey heals you, would that make me immortal? Interesting game concept, but I think pirating and rum will be higher on my want to play list.