Talk like a Pirate! Arrrr!

It’s Talk like a Pirate Day!  Arrrr!  In Lord of the Rings Online players have been tasked with finding the ale and crag for a wrecked ship’s crew.  A very simple quest doable by players of any level yields a few very fun items.  Oboe WonKenoboe, my Hobbit Minstrel, is now sporting the look of a Pirate!  I hope everyone enjoys this Holiday. ;)  Now if only Pirates of the Burning Sea would have some announcement….


hobbit pirate arrr

  • So coooooooool!!!!!
    hey can you tell me whitch quest i can get such pirate glasses?

    in shire? or somewhere else?or just on ur holiday?

    I’m a chinese player.this game is available in China now.