Modern Warfare 2 Initial Impressions

Last night was the midnight release of Modern Warfare 2.  I get a kick out of participating in these things even when they’re pointless.  There’s no way I’m going to stay up all night and play, but at the same time it’s fun to go on the adventure.  Hundreds of people were there; about 250 in front of me and that many or more behind me.  Dozens of neck beards and wolf shirts and kids talking about how they get high with their clan mates.  I got my copy at 1am and promptly left…. watching my back  the whole way to the car.

I didn’t think it was possible to polish Call of Duty 4 and make it that much better than it already was, but Modern Warfare 2 has completely proven me wrong.  This is the best FPS game of its kind that I have ever played and I am so glad that I didn’t give in to my doubts.  I can’t put it down!  I’m writing this alt-tabbed and I’m already wanting to jump back in and play more.  I want to hit a few key points really quick though that I think you all need to read:

9v9 is perfect – I’m one of those CoD4 players who always went for the 12v12 or, ideally, 16v16 servers.  For some reason though, this 9v9 feels like I never have a lack of people to shoot at and the action is going on all around me.  If I didn’t know it was 9v9 I would have absolutely no complaints about the size.  It works, and it works well.  There is absolutely no reason for anyone to complain here when it comes to gameplay and the affect 9v9 has on how the game plays out.  However, I still truly regret the lack of dedicated server community and the lack of community that clans will have as a presence playing together.  There is no excuse for that.   (Edited for clarity)

Maps – I think I’ve played almost all of them.  They’re really well crafted.  Lots of different atmospheres and scenery used.  Plenty of sniping spots and ways to sneak around.  I’m still learning them, but my favorite at this point as the Airport.

Graphics and Performance – Simply stunning.  Gorgeous graphics and I mean gorgeous.  Best part is that it runs on maxed out settings without a single hiccup.  It’s smoother than CoD4!!  I could not believe how smooth and responsive it was the first few rounds I played.

Lag / Hosting without Dedicated servers – What lag?  Yeah, it’s all hosted on other people but I have had full green on almost every round (one round I had some yellow but it went away).  Aside from the lack of permanence that I’ll probably feel later on, there is no difference between these and dedicated servers.  I thought this would be the hardest pill to swallow but truly could not even give it any thought.  When a host disconnects it switches quickly to another one after testing to find the best.  That transition has never failed me and it’s always resulted in stable play.  Yeah, dedicated servers would rock.  But, this works.

Gameplay – Refreshingly polished.  Like I said before, I didn’t think it was possible to polish it up any more but they did.  The guns are really well done.  There’s a sense of quality when you shoot and each of the weapons that I’ve played with (I’m level 12) have proven to be unique and a lot more diverse feeling than CoD4.  The perks are taking a little getting used to since they’ve been changed, but I like how some of the ones from CoD4 have been consolidated and/or moved around.

The titles and emblem unlocking is not a bad addition either.  It’s nothing more than a way to customize your badge when you kill someone, but it’s a fun little addition.  The customization of kill streak perks and death perks added, like the turret and the stealth bomber plane, are cool too.

Steam integration – I like it.  Playing with buddies and joining games together works seamlessly.  Bartlebe and I got into a party and into a game in a matter of seconds.  In-game it shows your buddies as blue arrows with blue names so finding them is easier.

No leaning – This is the only complaint that I have about the game right now.  I can’t lean!  Q is now ‘throw secondary’ grenade and E is ‘melee’.   Took some getting used too… flash banged myself about three dozen times before it finally sank in.  It makes being a sniper a tad harder, but it makes killing them a tad easier.  There are trade offs, but in the end I would like to have my leaning.

Those of you who canceled your orders on principle or for whatever reason were at one point wanting to get the game but then let yourself be dissuaded, you’re missing out.   The fun outweighs the regretful shortcomings.  Yeah, the price is high, but we’ve been paying less than console gamers for a really long time not to mention how many of you willingly fork over an addition $5, $10, $20, or $80 for a collector’s edition of almost any other game that comes out.

Get it. It’s fun.  Let’s play!

Note: Graev and I are recording video of the 360 version and the PC version so that we can do a comparison video for you.

More impressions to come as I level up, get more guns/perks, and play the game.

  • Were you part of a cod4 clan? one that always played on the same server? what do you think about the lack of dedicated servers basically making it impossible for a clan of more than 18 players to meet up? the loss of community?

  • Ugh, I asked for an impression and I got one, even if it wasn’t what I had hoped. Too bad I still feel it’s not worth $60 on the PC.

    Glad you’re enjoying the game, and look forward to more impressions as they come.

  • RE: 9v9 “There is absolutely no reason for anyone to complain here.”

    Oh, I beg to differ. I rather enjoyed the chaotic warlike nature of 32+ player games. There’s obviously a market for it, look at MAG.

    I’ll use the same analogy I used on Syncaines blog. It’s like fast food chains making the portions smaller and charging more for it.

    Not saying it’s not good, and I’m happy it’s tripping your trigger, but I cant justify spending 60 bucks on a single player game with, to me, meh multiplayer.

  • No lean. Might be a small issue for most but that is crushing for me. That was one of my fav features as Sof2 is my fav FPS from a few years ago. So thats a real shame.

  • I do stand corrected and I will retract the statement about no one having a reason to complain. Yes, for clans this blows. It blows BIG TIME. I was referring to how it affects gameplay and the feel of the game. For communities there is no excuse and it sucks without question.

    I apologize for being very, very unclear.

  • Apologies if I can off somewhat harshly. The MP is going to suck immensely here in NZ, when most people have 10-20gb monthly broadband caps, shit speeds, and half the ISPs in this country do P2P shaping, meaning ping just shoots up if someone on their plans is hosting.

    I’m honestly expecting to be able to play with people in the same city, about 3/4 of the time, but I highly doubt MW2 will provide national games of anything close to dedicated server quality.

    Ah well. There’s always BF:BC2

  • Since I played cod4 on the xbox and was used to the size of the battles I never understood the uproar over 9v9 to begin with as the maps are so small I don’t see how pc players even enjoyed it with anymore people. The only exception to this is the clan arguments, that I understood people being upset about especially with the lack of dedicated servers which is stupid.

    It’s not like the first COD where the maps felt a lot larger and having larger scale battles worked, some of the maps in 4 would have been torture with a large group I would think.

    Anyway I would offer my opinion of the game but I picked up my copy at midnight, got home, turned on the xbox and was promptly greeted with the red ring of death and my day has not improved from there sadly.

  • I think it’s blaspheme to play a FPS on a console. Arm control is better than thumb control. It’s like degenerating an arm wrestling match into a thumb wrestling match. “I pwn everyone, just look at my thumbs”. Ugh. FPS is meant for a keyboard and mouse, and I won’t let the Nintendo generation tell me otherwise. 😛

    BTW…PC users get exclusives like text chat! Thanks InfinityWard!

  • The lack of dedicated servers will probably kill the long term playability of MW2 for me (and I assume a lot of others) but the game as released is a very solid piece of work. I played MW for over a year with the same bunch of guys who were kind enough to invite me to their server. Without that availability I doubt I will play MW2 as long, but I am enjoying the game right now.

    The 9v9 play doesn’t really bother me as that is usually wha we played on the dedicated server anyway.

  • I’ll just reiterate what I’ve said countless times now. It DOESN’T matter whether 9v9 is fun, whether matchmaking and host migration is decent, or whether you think leaning needs to be put back in. This is about CHOICE and the fact that you have none in Modern Warfare 2.

    Instead, you play the game THEY (Infinity Ward/Activision) want you to, period. That is not how PC gaming should work. It isn’t how console gaming should work either, in my opinion, although it does and has for some time. Clans, competitive leagues, and the mod scene are not there.

    I’m a huge FPS gamer. I’ve been playing Call of Duty since the beginning, started on RTCW and MOHAA. I’ve paid for and run countless servers. I had no doubt the actual gameplay, map design, overall quality of Modern Warfare 2 would be good. But, that isn’t the point either.

    I prefer to wait for a price drop or a more solid analysis of IWNet before I support this blatant disregard for PC gaming.

  • You’re battling it on principle Alex, and that means you lose out on a fun game. It’s a game so, yes, the fun does matter. Like I said, I agree on the principles of the matter but I’m not going to let that stop me or else they win. You’re letting Bobby Kotick get his wish. Look it up, he wants to ruin your fun.

  • Had to get it for my son on the 360 so once he’s done (for the most part) I’ll play it even though I wanted to play it on the PC. Least I’m not worried about price difference this time. Not a big multiplayer so the whole server fiasco doesn’t matter to me. I’ll play the polished single player and a few mp games. Nice to see it seems to be up to the hype, I was hoping it would.

  • I’ve got the first Modern Warfare for both PC and Xbox 360 – I’ve played the hell out of multiplayer on PC while I went through the campaign and only dabbled in MP on the console version. This time around I’ll probably skip the PC version entirely.

    An interesting tidbit though: I’ve got some friends at work who are pretty much exclusively console gamers and COD4 is one of their mainstays. While hyped about MW2 they were blissfully unaware of all of the controversy surrounding the PC version but they’re *extremely* pissed off about IW disabling XBL’s party chat system while matchmaking since them and their buddies use it exclusively whether they’re playing the same games or not. I mean, these guys were more mad about it than the vast majority of people I’ve seen protesting the PC version issues.

  • Please stop promoting this game that spits on customer wishes and fails in both multiplayer and singleplayer. It is not only the airport scene that makes me wonder if this is really what gamers want…

  • Two words. MIGRATING SERVER, oh wait three words.

    I decided to play through the single player campaign first, did it in one sitting today on veteran and it was about as enjoyable as the first one. I really don’t see what the big deal about the airport level was, some people are just too sensitive I guess. After I finished I decided to hit up some multiplayer. It wasn’t that bad until it got later at night and hosts became horrible. My only thought is that it favors the majority ping, so if you’re in the states and play late chances are more players will be from like Europe and they will end up hosting thus you’ll get crappy ping. MIGRATING SERVER and PC should NEVER be in the same sentence let alone actually happening on a AAA title. I mean seriously? What moron in charge at IW decided to crap on the PC version. After two MIGRATING SERVERS and the second one ending with the game just disconnecting I gave up for the night. I’m on a fast connection too which just ticks me off that much more. Seriously how hard is it to have both matchmaking and dedicated servers, truly boggles my mind.

  • You’re right, I’m not buying it based on principles–the principles of what good PC gaming is. If that isn’t a good enough reason not to buy a video game, then I don’t know what is.

    I don’t agree with your argument that not buying it means Bobby Kotick wins. He doesn’t win. He doesn’t control my “fun.” I control my fun and I’m having plenty of fun playing other video games (yes, they do exist right now despite the black hole that is Modern Warfare 2). My fun is not dependent on any single game, nor should it be. To say that would be grossly incorrect.

    Like I said, I’d rather wait to see what IW does. If they add dedicated server/modding support back in, I’d probably buy it. Otherwise, I’m having as much fun as anyone else, without Bobby Kotick’s game installed on my computer.

  • @Longasc: Sorry, not going to happen. I enjoy the game. I can also talk about its shortcomings and what Activision thinks they’re getting away with without going off the deep end using all this hyperbole like “spits on customer wishes”.

    Move along if talking about games isn’t your thing.

    @Alex: Like I’ve said, it’s a damned if you do and damned if you don’t scenario. In the end, I decided not to let a company or a man determine whether or not I’d get a game. I decided not to let a few extremely unfortunate circumstances ruin my fun. If we differ there then there is nothing left to say on it.

  • Heads up out there people. Apparently all this talk from the developers about IWNet clamping down on hacks is all pie in the sky. With no dedicated admins watching what takes place you are going to have the following:

    So be on the lookout for the cheaters. Getting sniped behind a wall from a silenced .50 cal is going to cause alot of rage-quits.

  • You are never going to get your way by complaining and refusing to “not buy.” There are way’s to constructively post your thoughts like Keen does, and then there is the flame away method. To the people who are so mad that they won’t purchase the game, you really owe it to yourselves to try it at a friends house and try to have fun. If you don’t want to play the game because you feel your sensibilities are being encroached upon or that the game is $10 more, or because multi player is “messed up” then don’t buy it.

    There are things that you won’t be able to change. I’m having a blast in the game, and you know what I actually appreciate what IW was trying to do with the multiplayer change. I hope that they fix some things with it, but it works and it plays great.

    The only thing I feel bad for is the other guys across the world who are going to get a little screwed on their connections. Other than that I think the system is MUCH better than having to find IP/Ports and scrolling through a list.

  • Actually NOT buying a product is the most powerful tool any consumer has. Considering that not everyone has a friend who already purchased it doesn’t make that option doable for everyone.

    If there was a free demo on Steam for MW2 with MP I would try it. I’m not a huge FPS fan anyways so it’s no skin off my teeth if MW2 does good or bad. The only 2 FPS games I’ve played in the last year are L4D and L4D2 Demo.

    I’m planning on playing L4D2 when it comes out next week so I have zero reason to care one way or another what happens to MW2, because it wont effect my gaming bubble.

  • So… i caved. And bought it, if it helps… i was going to buy two copies, one for me , one for my kid. I gotta say, been a while since a PC game put this big a smile on my face. I’m speaking from a single player experience as I’ve yet to be able to connect and do multiplayer for some reason.

    But like others have mentioned, i’ll probably have fun for a short time with the multiplayer before moving on to something else.

  • “I can also talk about its shortcomings and what Activision thinks they’re getting away with without going off the deep end using all this hyperbole like “spits on customer wishes”.”

    Activision clubs baby seals. They also like to sneak into children’s hospitals and randomly unplug things. Disclaimer; tasteless sarcasm.

    After hearing some great reviews about CoD MW2 from some good friends of mine, I picked up a copy of the PC version.

  • I’m not trying to troll here or anything but if you are trusting a review after 24 hours it isn’t a very in depth one.

    I look forward to seeing how Keen feels about this game come next month. Even Hello Kitty Online is fun for a day. 😉

  • @Nobs: Not a review, tyvm. I didn’t even tag it as “review” where I usually tag my impressions because, actually using the word correctly, impressions are a review if thoughts about them are given, but I knew there’d be at least one in the crowd… was right! I look forward to playing MW2 for 2+ years like its predecessors. Big difference between FPS games and MMO’s. FPS games are usually consistent from the first 10 minutes to the next five years. Can’t say that about a MMO, can you? Didn’t think so.

  • Sorry Keen that wasn’t at you. That was @ Wickidd.

    I know you have enough Blogger know how to not review something so soon, and yes impressions are very valid at this stage. However Wickidd claimed that he bought the game based on a friend’s review.

  • Wickidd is my bud. He more than likely took the impressions/24 hour review of myself and several other of our circle who got the game.

    I really believe it’s important, if not mandatory, to know the person who is reviewing a game well enough, through time or other channels, before trusting their review. I trust my friends’ impressions/reviews (I feel they’re one in the same) even if its 24 hours — but I also know how to interpret them. Interpreting a review is important because one must apply their own preferences using them as a lens or filter to see the reality, as you see it.

  • I also think if a company makes decisions about gameplay, removes control from players, or otherwise is making business or creative decisions that I don’t agree with, that my best bet is to voice my displeasure with my wallet. Same reason I shop at local small businesses and avoid many large national chains or media conglomerates.

    I don’t play many games, so I can happily skip MW2 in favor of something like L4D2 (and yes I realize many people see a contradiction there, but I’m happy to reward valve’s continued support of TF2 in that way), so I don’t see it as Kotick ‘winning’ and denying me a game – I just have a choice between a good product that meshes with me philosophically, and a good product that doesn’t.

    Guess I’m just not feeling the conflict very strongly since I’ve never really loved the style of play in CoD games, but I find it really weird that people choosing to exercise their only power as consumers are being portrayed as somehow losing, or giving in to this evil tyrant… seems very Orwellian.

  • Exercise with your wallet all you want. Just don’t say “I know it’s a good game but…” and then go on to talk about why you’re not getting it to make a point. To me that’s asinine and completely contradicting.

    This whole “I love CoD games, I’ve played them all, I’m a super FPS fan and I know MW2 is fun but I’m going to not by it to show them I don’t like their changes!” stuff is not getting anyone anywhere.

    They’re staged to make over half a billion dollars in the first week alone with the game. It’s smashed records. No one is going to notice a fraction of the PC market standing on principles to make a point. They’re just not. The only reason anyone knows you’re making noise is because you’re preaching to the choir. Ask the market share that comprises 90% of the cash and they don’t even know you exist. That’s where I say let yourself have fun and be a hero some other time.

  • Keen, you’re making the assumption that those who aren’t buying MW2 aren’t having fun when you say “let yourself have fun…” That simply isn’t true. And, I’m not sure what you meant when you said that “…stuff is not getting anyone anywhere.” Does purchasing and playing MW2 (PC) get me somwhere? If so, where?

    I do look forward to reading more of your thoughts on the PC version. I’ve been following this blog for quite some time and like to think I have a solid grasp on interpreting your opinions on the games you play. If I feel that MW2 is worth purchasing down the road, I probably will.

  • I’m not speaking generally at everyone who isn’t buying the game, just towards those who are trying to make a point while acknowledging that they’re sacrificing to do so.

    In general, I mean that by saying you enjoy games like MW2, have enjoyed past CoD games, and know you’ll enjoy MW2 but won’t get it to prove a point aren’t getting anyone anywhere — you’re not getting yourself anywhere by depriving yourself of an opportunity and you’re not hurting IW/Activision.

    I’m mostly speaking at no one in particular here, but a combination of mentalities I’m seeing is enough to make to raise the issue. People are so quick to voice their opinions against the game to denounce it, when what I’m trying to do is say “Hey, I know Activision is the devil but their candy tastes great”.

    No dedicated servers is stupid. 9v9 limit is stupid. $10 more is stupid. Yet, it’s the funnest game I’ve played all year. There’s something to be said for being able to acknowledge that in spite of the facts.

  • Not buying the game is the only way of registering your disapproval. Loss of revenue is the only language they understand. It won’t matter a jot how much whinging is done online if they sell the expected amount on PC and this could affect games in the future.

    I won’t be giving them my money and have nothing against those that do but feel that you forfeit your right to moan if this same principle is rolled out in future games.

  • Fair enough Keen, for my part your followup to what I posted made a lot more sense to me. I wasn’t really trying to disagree with what you were saying, I was just a bit bemused by the tone the conversation was taking.

    I’ll keep an eye on MW2, if it gets really stellar reviews from the kinds of players who have similar taste as I do, or IW makes an effort to restore some control to the PC players, perhaps I’ll give it a go. Looks like an amazingly polished game as it is, however, just not my cup of tea.

    Have fun with it, and I look forward to your further thoughts!

  • Keen, is the field of view fixed? Because that was one of the major issues i had with CoD:MW was that i kept getting motion sickness if i didn’t change the fov to 90 degrees beforehand. I heard there was no console and a dev saying they ‘would like you to play it as they meant it =(‘

    At least TF2 allowed you to adjust it in the options, and other valve games allow you to change said setting in the .ini file.

    No matter how fun the game is, I (and probably the least vocal minority) would reserve my undying hatred for any game that gives me motion sickness because of a setting i cannot adjust.