Land of Chaos Online

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I owe this find to those who posted about it on our forums.  Land of Chaos Online or “LOCO” is a third person 3D (like you would see in a MMO) game that plays like DotA/LoL/HoN.  When I first saw the name I immediately dismissed it because it sounds stupid.  Then I went to the website and seriously contemplated giving my computer a virus scan and spyware checkup because… well… you can see for yourself.   Why then would I post about it?

There’s a gameplay video that actually makes me want to play.

With a nice coat of polish and attention to the usual important stuff this could be a fun game.  It reminds me a lot of the Savage games.  They too were a 3D “you’re in the action” approach to a different style of game (Real time strategy) and blended the two together.  DotA created this new offensive tug-of-war genre which has now spawned several copycats but most all of them have been nice attempts at creating good games.

If not alaplaya (I know, again with the names) then maybe another dev team should take a crack at something like this.  I wouldn’t be surprised though if the folks at S2 Games were already on their way given how well Heroes of Newerth and Savage turned out.

Know anything about the game that you want to share?

Filing this one under cool ideas for games that show some promise.

  • “I immediately dismissed it because it sounds stupid.” – Keen

    ahhahaahahahhahaha, thats exsacly what i was thinking when you said it.

  • Adapting Dota-style mechanics to a third person shooter is pretty cool, though I’m worried about the way it handles abilities.

    Demigod, LoL, HoN, Bloodline Champions, Monday Night Combat, Land of Chaos, Valve’s DotA game… so many DotA inspired games.

  • I have participated in the LOCO Closed Beta, and while I’m a huge DOTA/HON player, I hated LOCO.

    LOCO has a severe issue with Class Balancing. The game also has a rather bad community, an extreme amount of leavers and an issue with AFK leaders (you can’t start the game unless both leaders are ready and a leader cannot be kicked) It’s not rare to have 20-30 rooms where leaders are actually AFK.

    Gameplay is normal, not really action-y. It’s still a tab-targetting game, unlike DOTA or HON where some skills requires you to predict an opponent’s moves in order to hit them, etc.

  • It looks like a good fun, jump right in for an hour or two, game!

    As far as the issues brought up by Irenor, they all sound like they can be hammered out through beta.

    Thanks for the heads up…

  • LOCO is a new game, don’t hate to try it!

    it’s fun if you can actually control over your character!