GW2 WvW Impressions

WvW is the closest I have ever come to reliving Dark Age of Camelot RvR.  I chose to lead off with that comment because WvW is the reason why I…

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My GW2 Expectations

I haven't taken the opportunity to really explain what I expect out of Guild Wars 2.  I have been victimized by my own expectations for years.  Going into a MMORPG…

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Multiple Guilds system sounds great

Guilds are simply too important.  That's a topic I wrote on early last year and one I still agree with 100%.  MMO's are being designed around needing a guild instead…

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Tol Barad’s potential unrealized

What do you see in these images below? I see areas designated for PvP.  I see several keeps and landmarks that appear to be capturable.  When I look at these…

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