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Monster Hunter World is Now Addicting

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I’ve come full circle in Monster Hunter. At first it was so confusing it wasn’t fun. Then it was fun but I couldn’t find a weapon. Then I found a weapon, liked it, then hated it. I’m finally playing with a weapon I absolutely love, fighting bosses successfully without dying at all, and making some major progress in the game.

I’m using the Lance. It’s an awesome weapon because it provides me the perfect balance of defense and offense. No, it won’t come close to the damage of some weapons, but I can always stand on top of the monster and never have to retreat. Learning the monster’s moves, I can simply guard myself into invulnerability. Counter attacks and charging make for a fun meta. I also love mounting after a charge, and find it easier than any other form of mounting.

Most things are starting to make a lot of sense to me. I’ve figured out the weapon crafting. You basically want one of every element and status effect type, and you want to upgrade those as much as you can. Armor is there I’m still really, really confused. Do I bother spending my materials in low tier? Do they carry over to high tier? The gear really doesn’t offer much for me yet because I know that high tier (which I’m just about to be in low high tier) starts to give some serious skills and benefits.

I’m cultivating, trading, sending my palico army out to get stuff, and completing lots of hunts.

I’m easily putting in 2-3 hours a day into MHW. It’s addicting now. Very glad I stuck with it.

  • > I’ve figured out the weapon crafting. You basically want one of every element and status effect type, and you want to upgrade those as much as you can.

    Yes and no. Yes, it is useful to have multiple weapons with different elements, but it’s not something I’d worry about until you get to high rank. The weapons themselves, unlike armor, does carry on to high rank, but you will find that focusing on one gear set is enough to carry you to the end of the story (where you kill the main monster… the first time).

    More importantly, trying to min-max at this stage will get very expensive really fast.