The Legend of Zelda: TriForce Heroes Review

TriForce Heroes Review [su_lightbox type=”image” src=”” class=”pointer”]triforce-heroes-3ds[/su_lightbox]The Legend of Zelda: TriForce Heroes just came out on Friday, but Graev and I have logged numerous hours in what I think is one of my favorite 3DS games yet. TriForce Heroes is a multiplayer experience designed for three players to work together to complete levels comprised of various platformer puzzles and challenges. While the game does allow people with absolutely no friends internet connection to play by themselves, the heart of TriForce Heroes can only be found in its multiplayer experience.

You take on the role of Link. And your friends (or random online people) take on the roles of… Links. That’s sort of where the story in TriForce Heroes begins to break down. You’re all heroes, but at the same time you’re not. Apparently Nintendo has said (these?) are the same Link from A Link Between Worlds, but you’ve come to Hytopia and decide to hide your heroic origins by dressing up in what can only be considered fantabulous outfits. Oh yes, the story gets better… or worse… or better?

triforce-heroes-totemThe gist of the story here is that Hytopia, a kingdom passionate about fashion, has been plagued by this awful witch (known only as “The Lady”) who has cursed the beautiful fashionista princess with the most unimaginably horrible curse of all: To forever have to wear this ugly brownish bodysuit thing. It is up to you (or the three of you) to save Hytopia from this awful curse by entering the Drablands (eye roll) and fulfill the prophesy to stop “The Lady.” So yeah.. the story sucks. It’s worse than any story in any Zelda game ever–and has matching dialog too. But if you completely ignore the story, the gameplay is phenomenal. Oh, and I can’t forget to mention that your goal throughout this entire experience is to also acquire crafting materials to make yourself some chic outfits with bonuses.

Gameplay is similar to just about every handheld Zelda game thus far. I personally think it handles like a dream. You’ll queue up with any combination of 3 whether it be people you know or randoms or any mixture. Your goal in every level is simply to get to the end, and to do so requires utilizing unparalleled amounts of teamwork combining different items and strategies. You’ll be coordinating attacks, movements, and abilities that rival the coordination of a WoW raid boss–not kidding. Sharing the same hearts for health and being able to hurt each other with bombs makes the whole thing

triforce heroes carrying teammates
Graev (in green) carrying this guy (red) who was so bad. He flailed wildly with what could only have been the maddest of attempts to free himself.

Solving levels can be quite a challenge, and doing so with absolutely no voice communication is the best part of TriForce Heroes. Some reviews I’ve read consider the lack of communication a negative, but I think it might be this game’s biggest strength. Spamming the emojis of “Throw!” “Over Here!” and “Item!” etc., have brought on tears streaming down my face. I was laughing so hard last night that I got a massive headache. I haven’t laughed so hard in months! Graev and I were playing once level and the guy we teamed with was so unbearably bad that Graev finally said screw it and picked him up, unwilling to put him down, and forcefully carried him over his head like a bomb through half the level.

The intricate puzzles you’ll be solving, and the hilarity of doing it while having to rely on two other people to often be completely in-sync make for a chaotic yet addicting experience. Even when you come across someone who is so bad it makes you want to cry, you’ll be jumping right back in to see how much better you can do on that level the next time around. TriForce Heroes is just that kind of game. The attention to detail is so finely crafted around this multiplayer experience that it’s simply a masterpiece in that regard. You’ll easily put in 20+ hours before feeling anywhere near like you’ve played the same level twice. That’s the beauty of that multiplayer interaction.

  • I just have to add on to the story here of Graev having to carry this poor guy. We were laughing so hard that we both had to just put our 3DS’ down and get it out. Graev at one point was gasping for air saying he couldn’t breathe, and I had reached that point where the laughs stop making noise and I could feel the streams of tears reaching my neck. Greatest moment over.

    At another point (in another play session) we had been screwing up so poorly at one point that I just picked up the guy and threw him off the cliff. Before doing so, I spammed the “Throw!” emoji. More tears.

    OH, really cool point I forgot to mention. You can buy 1 copy of the game and download play with up to 2 others. That means families can play together with 1 copy! 🙂

  • I’m kinda bummed that Nintendo makes so many of the Zelda games only for their DS platform. I’d love to play them, but I can’t stand playing games on the DS. I can never find a comfortable position to play them in, usually my neck and shoulders get sore regardless of what position I choose, and the small screen size gives my eyes fits in no time. I sound like an old man, but its true. Every once in a while I picked up my son’s DS and play on it for an hour or so before I give up and swear it off again. I’ve never understood how people can spend so much time on them or even prefer that platform.

  • I completely understand. I can put in about an hour before I start to feel it. I’ve taken to leaning back in my desk chair and resting my arms on my chest a bit kind of propping it up so that I can see. Graev can play for 5 hours straight with no problems, though.