November Already

I can’t believe it. Where has the year gone? It seems like just yesterday that Vanguard hit the shelves, then LOTRO, and now here we are in the second to last month of the year. Looking back, October held many changes for me. Last month alone I stopped playing Lord of the Rings Online, went through a MMO slump, picked up NWN2 Expansion, got involved with Pen and Paper DnD, and returned to Everquest 2. In addition to all of that we had the revelation of WAR beta being delayed, the release of Team Fortress 2, and the cancellation of Gods and Heroes to secure a stronger future for Star Trek Online.

As for the blog here it’s been a spectacular month. October was a great month of writing and reflecting over the gaming industry in general. I’m continually amazed at the interest shown over what is written here. I’ve watched the statistics rise every month and we’re sitting at about 200-300 visits per day on average. I’m honored and blown away by the response. To my readers I can only thank you and say that I intend to continue writing always with an eye to the future. Sadly we missed a podcast this episode this past week due to being busy, having company, and an overall slump of “new” information out there. We’ll pick up again soon.

What does November hold for me? I’m going to continue my casual journey through Everquest 2 and I look forward to the release of Kunark on the 13th. Pirates of the Burning Sea is growing closer to release hopefully with an NDA drop soon – really looking forward to this.
Thanks again for reading and here’s to a great November!

  • It’s ridiculous how fast this month is going by. Before you know it, it’ll be November 2008 and we’ll be saying the same thing… that, and wondering when Warhammer is going to come out. 🙂

  • Fast? It’s not fast enough!

    C’mon, Assassins Creed and Mass Effect! C’mon, Christmas, so I can hook my non-gamer relatives on these exceptionally accessible games! Too bad they’re not multiplayer. =( Halo’s co-op might appeal to them, though.

  • Great stuff, Keen- I found you from following a link in the comments over on Sanya’s Eating Bees site a few months ago, and you’ve been a regular stop ever since. Keep up the great work!