
Sorry for the blog being so slow lately.  I’ve contacted my hosting to try and resolve the issue and was told that there is another website on the shared hosting slowing things down for everyone.  Since I’m not about to drop $100+ a month to get a dedicated server I’ll just have to deal with these occasional hiccups in performance.  I’m told that the issue should be resolved soon.  /hope

  • I feel like my uncle. The man stubbornly refuses to upgrade from dial-up, even though he’s got plenty of free cash, because he says he’s fine with working in the yard or going to the store (and so on) while his emails loads on the screen. I’ve been trying to sell him on the many wonders of the modern internet that are only possible with a faster connection, but he finds the idea of sitting in front of a computer for more than half-an-hour abhorrent. Caveman.

    So anyway, yeah, this feels like I’m at his house. 😉 It’s no big deal, though. I could do with a lesson in patience every once in a while.