Neverquest, Medal of Homer, and a whole lot more!

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Heard much about The Simpsons Game?  It’s been out there in the gaming community for months but I’m just now being sucked into hype mode.  The Official site has several sections for Neverquest, Medal of Homer, Mob Rules, Super Happy Fun Fun Game, and more.  It looks like it could be a load of fun.
This first teaser trailer for the Simpsons Game features an Everquest/Fantasy MMO genre parody.  In the trailer there are several subtleties that only someone as nerdy as us would get and a few things that many would pick up on as well.  You shall not pass…..wind!  I’m looking forward to playing Neverquest. 😉


This next trailer blew my mind.  As a fan of the Medal of Honor series and this type of game in general, how can this not get you excited?!  “Oh look at me, I’m france! I’m a scared girl!  I don’t like being bombed and attacked!”


Yet another game that I’m going to have to pre-order.

  • I’ve played the game’s demo on the 360. The demo level is essentially an action puzzle, which I’m assuming the entire game is. You could probably breeze through the entire game pretty quickly, but it’s definitely funny. In the demo, the Simpsons newscaster is constantly making relevant comments and snide remarks. A few of them made me chuckle out loud.

  • Super Happy Fun Fun Land had me nearly in tears when I saw it. Pokemon references, Mr. Sparkle, Final Fantasy, etc. You can tell a lot of people from the show have helped with the game, and it’s likely going to be the most entertaining Simpsons game in a long while.