Neeknaemba is Rank 3! Now I want to PVE again.

Well Neeknaemba reached Rank 3 as a Blackarrow and I am really impressed with how well he does in large fights.  I’m able to control some aspects of the fight with my Hindering Shot (Snare+2sec root) and I am able to do a decent amount of damage once I have my fire shot on them.  While my damage is still nowhere near that of a Freep and the chances of surviving a 1 on 1 are slim; I still feel like I have a decent Monster Character.  I want to continue my work with Neeknaemba and slowly progress him through to Rank 4, which is close, and then continue on to Rank 5, etc.  I would be much more enthusiastic about Monster Play if the Freeps actually made an effort to do more than camp their guards.  Hopefully things get better on that front soon.

Now on to more great news.  I have this new wind building up behind my sails and I am ready to dive head first into the PVE game of LOTRO once more.  I think all that I needed was a serious break from the game to show me what I was missing.  I am really excited about creating a character and sticking with it through to the end-game.  I’m going to hit 50 in LOTRO and experience these end-game dungeons.  I want to see the dragon in Helegrod and I want to experience raids.  Yep I said it – I want to experience LOTRO raids.  Do I want to become a “raider” again?  Nope no chance in hell would I ever consider going back to that mentality.  Good thing about LOTRO raiding, from what I’ve heard, is that a PUG can do it and it only requires 25 people.

Wanting to get back into the PVE game places me once again at that crossroads.  What class do I go with?  I can honestly say right now that I have no interest in playing a Champion or a Hunter.  I am intrigued by the possibilities of the Captain and Minstrel because they’re “needed” just about in every group.  Playing a Burglar again sounds somewhat fun because apparently on Meneldor they are rare.  Did I mention that yet?  Yep I am playing on Meledor.  I love the players and I have built a name for myself in the PVMP community.  That’s at least one obstacle out of my way.

Anyone out there have success stories with a Captain or Minstrel in end-game?  I’d really like to hear them.

  • 24 people actually, for the raids. And from what I understand they do take a while to complete in full, but you can do them with a PUG, and you can go back as many times into the same instance over the 4 day lockout.

    Only downsides I’m hearing are the length of time the whole thing takes and the way quest drops happen. I’m looking forward to trying it out when I get there in 21 levels. 🙂 I’m hoping I can convince Loktofeit to sponsor a raid-night event sometime.